
Our interdisciplinary research is dependent on collaborations with investigators with complementary expertise.  Examples of active collaborations include:

Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD (Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging, Hunter College)

  • Dr. Brennan-Ing (along with the late Stephen Karpiak, PhD) co-led the Research on Older Adults with HIV (ROAH 2.0) survey, a detailed biopsychosocial survey study of approximately 3,000 older adults living with HIV in New York City, Upstate New York, Chicago, and Alameda County, CA.  Our research led the ROAH 2.0 study at Weill Cornell Medicine, and randomly selected and invited patients at the Center for Special Studies (HIV clinics at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medicine) to participate.  We have linked electronic medical record data to the survey to create a database of over 500 older adults with HIV.  

Dr. Mary Choi (Division of Nephrology, Weill Cornell Medicine)

  • Dr. Choi's laboratory has played a key role in measuring cell-free mitochondrial DNA in plasma and urine as part of our ongoing investigation of older adults with HIV.  

Dr. Monica Guzman (Division of Hematology and Oncology, Weill Cornell Medicine)

  • Dr. Guzman is collaborating on a study of clonal hematopoiesis in older adults with HIV using specimens and data from the MACS-WIHS Combined Cohort Study

Dr. Katie Hootman (Weill Cornell Clinical and Translational Center)

Saurabh Mehta, MBBS, ScD and Julia Finkelstein, ScD (College of Human Ecology, Cornell University)

  • Dr. Mehta and Finkelstein are epidemiologists with expertise in nutrition and infectious diseases, including HIV infection.  They have provided expertise in micronutrients and point of care testing of metabolites and inflammatory markers.

Dr. Lishomwa (Lish) Ndhlovu (Division of Infectious Diseases, Weill Cornell Medicine)

  • Dr. Ndhlovu provides expertise in the immunopathogenesis of HIV and aging-related complications.  

Dr. Anjali Sharma (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)

  • Dr. Sharma is a PI of the MACS WIHS Combined Cohort Study (MWCCS) site at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, who collaborates on metabolic and aging analyses within the MWCCS.

Dr. Yuan-Shan Zhu (Weill Cornell Medicine Clinical and Translational Center)

Weill Cornell Medicine Glesby & Siegler Lab 525 E 68th St., Baker 24 New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-4177