Northeast Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center (NECA AETC) "The Northeast/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center (NECA AETC) is part of a national network of 8 regional and 2 national AETCs. The NECA AETC works with individual health care providers, teams and clinical sites in New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands to provide targeted, multi-disciplinary education and training programs and capacity building assistance to improve care along the HIV Care Continuum." Dr. Glesby is its Regional Clinical Director.
The NECA AETC publishes a toolkit: "Care of People Aging with HIV," which is compiled by Dr. Siegler and updated annually.
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute publishes a Clinical Guidelines Program that "is a longstanding, collaborative effort of the...AI, Office of the Medical Director (OMD), and the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases." It has published a Guidance for Addressing the Needs of Older patients in HIV Care.
Grantmakers in Aging has published two guides: "Aging Positively: Bringing HIV/AIDS into the Aging Services Mainstream: An Introduction for Funders" and "Moving Ahead Together: A Framework for Integrating HIV/AIDS and Aging Services".
NATAP, the National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project, offers webinars and aggregates information from the scholarly literature and conferences about HIV and Aging.
The American Academy of HIV Medicine's Provider Education Center has a page devoted to HIV and Aging.
Pre-medical students can apply to work with us through the Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program (T-SRF), which "is designed to give 25 premedical students deeper insights into the field of medicine, including issues that greatly affect the health of traditionally underserved groups."
Weill Cornell Medical students who wish to devote the summer between first and second years to research can work with us through the Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine Summer Scholars (GPS) in Aging Research Program.