Sara Czaja and Genie Siegler receive NIA funding to develop a tablet-based program designed to reduce social isolation among older people with HIV

Sara Czaja, PhD and Genie Siegler, MD are Co-PIs on a newly funded R21 grant from the National Institute on Aging, entitled “A technology-based psychosocial intervention to support social engagement and well-being in adults aging with HIV.” The team plans to develop and evaluate a tablet-based program designed to: enhance social engagement and support, reduce loneliness, facilitate access to resources, and improve well-being among older adults with HIV who are long-term survivors and live alone. The program, Connecting Older Positive People to Enhance Health and Resilience (COPPEhR), will build on the Dr. Czaja’s PRISM tablet platform and the programs and services available at the Center for Special Studies (CSS) at Weill Cornell Medicine. In Phase 1 of the study, investigators will use focus groups and useability testing to develop and tailor the system; Phase 2 will test the system in a pilot efficacy trial.

Weill Cornell Medicine Glesby & Siegler Lab 525 E 68th St., Baker 24 New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-4177