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Found 64 results
Bhatia S
Johnston CD
Derry-Vick H
Brennan-Ing M
Burchett CO
Siegler EL
Glesby MJ
. 2022.
Food Insecurity Is Associated with Key Functional Limitations and Depressive Symptoms in Older People Living with HIV.
AIDS Patient Care STDS.
Kroll KW
Shah SV
Lucar OA
Premeaux TA
Shikuma CM
Corley MJ
Mosher M
Woolley G
Bowler S
Ndhlovu LC
et al.
. 2022.
Mucosal-homing natural killer cells are associated with aging in persons living with HIV.
Cell Rep Med. 3(10):100773.
Derry-Vick HM
Johnston CD
Brennan-Ing M
Burchett CO
Glesby N
Zhu Y-S
Siegler EL
Glesby MJ
. 2022.
Pain is associated with depressive symptoms, inflammation, and poorer physical function in older adults with HIV.
Psychosom Med.
Johnston CD
Siegler EL
Rice MC
Derry-Vick HM
Hootman KC
Zhu Y-S
Burchett CO
Choi ME
Glesby MJ
. 2022.
Plasma Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNA as a Marker of Geriatric Syndromes in Older Adults with HIV.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
Alemán JO
Hoover DR
Shi Q
Verano M
Anastos K
Tien PC
Sharma A
Kardashian A
Cohen MH
et al.
. 2022.
Plasma metabolomic analysis indicates flavonoids and sorbic acid are associated with incident diabetes: A nested case-control study among Women's Interagency HIV Study participants.
PLoS One. 17(7):e0271207.
Ryan KM
Siegler E
. 2022.
Pyogenic brain abscess associated with an incidental pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
BMJ Case Rep. 15(11)
Stevenson EM
Terry S
Copertino D
Leyre L
Danesh A
Weiler J
Ward AR
Khadka P
McNeil E
Bernard K
et al.
. 2022.
SARS CoV-2 mRNA vaccination exposes latent HIV to Nef-specific CD8+ T-cells.
Nat Commun. 13(1):4888.
Siegler EL
Moxley JH
Glesby MJ
. 2021.
Aging-Related Concerns of People Living with HIV Referred for Geriatric Consultation.
HIV AIDS (Auckl). 13:467-474.
Derry HM
Johnston CD
Brennan-Ing M
Karpiak S
Burchett CO
Zhu Y-S
Siegler EL
Glesby MJ
. 2021.
Childhood sexual abuse history amplifies the link between disease burden and inflammation among older adults with HIV.
Brain Behav Immun Health. 17:100342.
Bégin P
Callum J
Jamula E
Cook R
Heddle NM
Tinmouth A
Zeller MP
Beaudoin-Bussières G
Amorim L
Bazin R
et al.
. 2021.
Convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients with COVID-19: an open-label, randomized controlled trial.
Nat Med. 27(11):2012-2024.
Siegler E
Moxley J
Mauer E
Glesby M
. 2021.
Cross-sectional study of correlates and prevalence of functional and high-risk multimorbidity in an academic HIV practice in New York City.
BMJ Open. 11(8):e047199.
Kamkwalala AR
Garg A
Roy U
Matthews A
Castillo-Mancilla J
Lake JE
Sebastiani G
Yin MT
Brown TT
Kamer A
et al.
. 2021.
Current Considerations for Clinical Management and Care of People with HIV: Findings from the 11th Annual International HIV & Aging Workshop.
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses.
Glesby MJ
Gulick RM
. 2021.
HIV: Closing the Mortality Gap.
Ann Intern Med.
Derry HM
Johnston CD
Burchett CO
Brennan-Ing M
Karpiak S
Zhu Y-S
Siegler EL
Glesby MJ
. 2021.
Links between inflammation, mood, and physical function among older adults with HIV.
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci.
Gulick RM
Glesby MJ
. 2021.
Managing HIV Treatment Failure: Time to REVAMP?
Ann Intern Med. 174(12):1753-1754.
Davis AJ
Greene M
Siegler E
Fitch KV
Schmalzle SA
Krain A
Vera JH
Boffito M
Falutz J
Erlandson KM
. 2021.
Strengths and Challenges of Various Models of Geriatric Consultation for Older Adults Living with HIV.
Clin Infect Dis.
Ellsworth GB
Glesby MJ
Gulick RM
. 2021.
The Uncertain Role of Corticosteroids in the Treatment of COVID-19.
JAMA Intern Med. 181(1):140.
Johnston CD
Siegler EL
Rice MC
Derry HM
Hootman KC
Zhu Y-S
Burchett CO
Gupta SK
Choi ME
Glesby MJ
. 2021.
Urine Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNA as a Marker of Weight Loss and Body Composition in Older Adults with HIV.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
Premeaux TA
Javandel S
Hosaka KRJ
Greene M
Therrien N
Allen IE
Corley MJ
Valcour VG
Ndhlovu LC
. 2020.
Associations Between Plasma Immunomodulatory and Inflammatory Mediators With VACS Index Scores Among Older HIV-Infected Adults on Antiretroviral Therapy.
Front Immunol. 11:1321.
Stoeckle K
Johnston CD
Jannat-Khah DP
Williams SC
Ellman TM
Vogler MA
Gulick RM
Glesby MJ
Choi JJ
. 2020.
COVID-19 in Hospitalized Adults With HIV.
Open Forum Infect Dis. 7(8):ofaa327.
Johnston CD
Ifeagwu K-CC
Siegler EL
Derry H
Burchett CO
Rice MC
Gupta SK
Choi ME
Glesby MJ
. 2020.
Elevated cardiac risk score by Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease calculation is associated with albuminuria in older people living with HIV.
AIDS. 34(6):947-949.
Wozniak RJ
Cerqueira NB
Dantas MCandida S
Mahafe B
Barros DAC
de Medeiros EAlves
de Oliveira ACarolina S
Sabino T
Roggenbuck A
Avelino-Silva VIida
et al.
. 2020.
Factors associated with attitudes towards HIV cure research among transgender women and travestis: a cross-sectional survey in São Paulo, Brazil.
BMJ Open. 10(11):e040092.
Derry HM
Johnston CD
Burchett CO
Siegler EL
Glesby MJ
. 2020.
Gait Speed Is Associated with Cognitive Function among Older Adults with HIV.
J Aging Health. :898264320943330.
Siegler EL
. 2020.
Growing Old With HIV: Beyond Just Surviving
Gogokhia L
Taur Y
Juluru K
Yagan N
Zhu Y-S
Pamer E
Glesby MJ
. 2020.
Intestinal Dysbiosis and Markers of Systemic Inflammation in Viscerally and Generally Obese Persons Living With HIV.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 83(1):81-89.
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